Re:Vision Season 2   -   Ta1 - “Netzwerke + neue Schnittstellen” (Networks + New Interfaces)

Season 2 of the Re:Vision series of workshops accompanied project coordinators who had been awarded grants within the scope of the Ta1 topic-specific call for applications, “Netzwerke + neue Schnittstellen”, for the NEUSTART KULTUR special programme. 60 project coordinators associated with the 80 projects approved registered to participate in the workshops. With two editions of each episode it was possible to offer a total of 10 editions, each with 30 participants.

See the programme booklet for further information on the topics and speakers. COMICS and PODCASTS present the highlights of the episodes plus the interviews which Fonds Soziokultur staff conducted with each guest speaker.

Programme booklet

Programme booklet

Monday edition


Thursday edition



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Episode 1: Engagement

with Zoe Seaton (Northern Ireland)

The series of workshops began with a return to basics – What are the values which drive our work? And how can these values help us and our projects to further develop, particularly in times of crisis? Our guest speaker Zoë Seaton, artistic director of Big Telly, reported how she uses curiosity and playfulness to create a global presence for a theatre company based in a small town in an outlying region of Northern Ireland. Our participants discussed how they could push the boundaries of their work to make it more inviting but without losing sight of the creative integrity of their creative practices.


Episode 2: Networking

with Joscha Denzel (Germany)

Relationships are the foundation of our creative practices. How can we re-think our professional network; namely as a collection of relationships with people who inspire us and with whom we would like to work? Guest speaker Joscha Denzel, from the WERK°STADT sociocultural centre in Witten, shared his experiences while on the road with his band, Figur Lemur, which has played at well-known festivals in Germany and abroad. These experiences have helped him to support Witten’s independent art community. In this episode our participants jointly demystified the buzzword “networks”.


Episode 3: Ecosystems

with Jasmin Vogel (Germany) & Giulia Rancati (Italy)

Every project involves a wide range of stakeholders. Attempting to meet the expectations of funding bodies, the public and partners can be a big challenge. Our guest speakers Jasmin Vogel, chair of Kulturforum Witten, and Giulia Rancati, innovation expert, explained how they develop imaginative projects with a strong sociocultural and economic basis. This episode explained to our participants how they could promote collaboration and problem solving among a variety of interest groups by defining shared values and creating a common language.


Episode 4: Participation

with Aditi Veena (India)

When it comes to digitisation we are confronted with a multitude of buzzwords. But what does going digital actually mean? Which elements of our artistic practices can we retain and which ones must we let go of? Our guest speaker Aditi Veena, a musician and urban ecologist, described her method of winning over a global audience by combining the best of the physical and digital worlds. In this episode our participants learned how to set clear boundaries for their digitisation processes.


Episode 5: Success

with Wana Udobang (Nigeria)

The last episode focused on how, within the scope of further developing their projects, project coordinators can share the outcomes of their work with others. They learned how varying types of story give the freedom to assess their projects in a new way, thus creating new options for growth and new partnerships. Our guest speaker Wana Udobang, an artist and filmmaker, explained how she measures and communicates success. In this episode our participants explored their own definition of success and how it is linked to their personal sense of wellbeing.

